Form-fitting rigid foam keeps your instrument completely safe and provides a rich presentation when opened.

Mini speaker straps onto your harp pillar,and plugs into the headphone jack.

Guitar strap is an easy and secure way to hold your harp, with the rigid lower band providing really great stability.

The clear arm rest snaps on or off in seconds to provide right-hand stability with the ‘feel’ of an acoustic harp body, and the mini Shure microphone allows hands-free and stand-free vocals.

The Harp Hugger is almost as invisible as the harp, and takes mere seconds to put on or off
How practical your harp is determines how much you will play it, and our amazing Accessories are designed to make sure your harp is easy to use, transport, and enjoy under every circumstance. It is our goal that every one of our harp accessories accomplishes this, and makes your electric harp your always-ready go-to instrument.